iPhone6s Battery is short life let’s Battery replcement!! Battery replcement
A customer has informed us that the battery of the iPhone 6s we are using will soon be exhausted.
According to the story, it is highly possible that the battery has deteriorated because it has been using iPhone 6s for 3 years.
Now, let’s replace the battery.
The battery life of the iPhone is about 2 years.
Mobile phones and personal computers have a built-in lithium-ion battery.
This is a very convenient battery that can be recharged many times, but it will deteriorate if used.
If the battery has deteriorated, it is recommended to replace it as it will restore the battery life.
iPhone 6s Battery replacement is complete.
The iPhone 6s battery has been replaced.
I checked the operation after the work was completed, but there was no problem.
Return iPhone to the customer and done.
Various iPhone batteries can be replaced at our store.
Of course, it can be repaired in return on the same day.
If you want to replace the iPhone battery, please leave it to us!!
Repairs can also be done at a store in Toshima Ward.
- 営業時間
- スマホスピタル宇都宮
- スマホスピタル イーサイト高崎
- スマホスピタル メガドンキホーテ蓮田
- スマホスピタル 熊谷
- スマホスピタル埼玉大宮
- スマホスピタル テルル蒲生
- スマホスピタル テルル新越谷
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- スマホスピタル 佐倉
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- スマホスピタル 自由が丘
- スマホスピタル秋葉原
- スマホスピタル池袋
- スマホスピタルオリナス錦糸町
- スマホスピタル新橋駅前
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- スマホスピタル 神田
- スマホスピタル selectSIM 瑞江
- スマホスピタル 東京大手町
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